What is the issue?


Topic or Scripture


The key issue of Calvinism is not whether God is fair, or whether man has free will, etc. - but whether God's word is true.

Refuting Calvinism

Calvinism might claim sola scriptura, that Calvinism is based on the truth of God's word. However, presumptions seem to predominate in interpretation, turning supposedly exegesis into eisegesis. 

All of the other issues - free will, sovereignty, fairness, etc. can be analyzed from what the Bible, sola scriptura, says. The problem is that Calvinism brings these ideas in as starting points, and then tries to find interpretations of the scripture to fit those ideas.

Instead, the correct hermeneutical and exegetical approach is to try to find ideas that match the scriptures, rather than trying to find scripture interpretations that fit the ideas.

Supporting Calvinism

TBA (to be added)