Arguments against Calvinism - Topics
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Title | Claim | Refuting Calvinism |
Sovereignty examined | Requiring meticulous determinism for God is characteristic of a less sovereign God than one who allows free will choice. |
Consistency of Calvinism | Calvinism, in spite of possible other problems, is at least internally logically consistent. |
Calvinism insults God | Calvinism insults God |
Zeal | The argument for Irresistible Grace, that when rejecting Salvation, man is stronger than God, is not valid. |
Paul wrote of having a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. This reminds one of Calvinism. The zeal for God seems misdirected in both cases. In Calvinism, micro-manipulative control is magnified beyond love, and also beyond scripture. However, the Bible tells us that God exalts His word higher than his name. This seems to imply that what God says should take precedence over how we feel regarding glorifying God's name. Also, the Bible says God is love - it does not say God is control. |
Patrideus the Sovereign | The video below depicts Calvinism accurately. |
Trauma of Calvinistic Doctrine | The negative impact of Calvinism is examined by Leighton Flowers. |
Language looseness | Calvinism relies on a double standard with respect to language looseness. |
Calvinism does this
What is the issue? | The key issue of Calvinism is not whether God is fair, or whether man has free will, etc. - but whether God's word is true. |
Calvinism might claim sola scriptura, that Calvinism is based on the truth of God's word. However, presumptions seem to predominate in interpretation, turning supposedly exegesis into eisegesis. All of the other issues - free will, sovereignty, fairness, etc. can be analyzed from what the Bible, sola scriptura, says. The problem is that Calvinism brings these ideas in as starting points, and then tries to find interpretations of the scripture to fit those ideas. |
Martyn Lloyd-Jones and non epistemic ranking criteria | A statement by Martyn Lloyd-Jones on Calvinism is analyzed and found to involve non epistemic ranking criteria. |
Cognition errors | If cognition follows correct process, Calvinism will not result. |
Ideology & cognition | Calvinism is an ideology. |
Charles Spurgeon | Spurgeon's popularity is analyzed. |
Calvinism discussed | Calvinism is discussed. |
Cornelius | Cornelius' salvation story does not support Calvinism. |
Paul's conversion | Paul's conversion contradicts Calvinism. |
Non epistemic ranking criteria | Deconstructing Calvinistic statements reveals their lack of valid epistemic basis. |
Calvinism paradigm analysis | Calvinism paradigm analysis |
Calvinism origins | Analysis of Calvinism reveals problems. |
Idolatry? | Calvinism can be idolatry. |
Calvinism claim analysis | Calvinism claim analysis |